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Welcome to Strike Zone

Discord Link

Join our discord to stay up to date and become apart of the community.

Discord Rules

1) No Racism, Sexism, Toxicity, Harassment or Trolling

2) Be respectful of all Members and Staff

3) No inappropriate Nicknames or Avatars

4) Do Not spam links, @mentions or images

5) Do Not @ Staff in the chatrooms, create a ticket if you need support

6) Do Not spam reactions

7) Do Not promote other Discords or Communities

8) Do Not discuss in game bans in any of the chatrooms

We also Follow the Rules Set by Discords Community Guidelines Click the Link Below to Read Discords Community Guidelines in Full.

Server Information

Strike Zone is a Modded Ps4 Dayz server

Server name:
STRIKE-ZONE|PVP|Boosted Loot|Custom Pois|Bunkers|OilRig|Safezone|TDM|KOTH
Port: 17000

Server Features:
- 1k Starting Cash (
- SS9 SHOP (Discord)
- Black Market (Discord)
- Fall Damage, Sickness, Hunger/Thirst, Broken legs
- Building
- Improvised C4 Raiding
- Custom POI'S
- Punchcards to enter Bunkers
- Care Packages, King of the Hills, TDM, Events
-  Vanilla Vehicles

-  Earn Credits Ingame for SS9 SHOP (Discord)
-  Killfeed (Discord)
-  Leaderboards (Discord)

Server Rules

General Rules

1. No exploiting or cheating of any kind, if caught you'll be instantly banned
2. No logging off in the Bunkers (if you get locked in, Enjoy the stay)
3. No combat logging
4. Max group limit is 9 for Squads (Factions)


Raiding Rules

1. No glitching inside someone's base
2. Boosting in any form of way is Not allowed on Non raid Days, its up to the base owner to ensure their base is secure. if the Gate is open (Not locked) you may Enter But You Must leave.
2.2. No Base logging Allowed
3. Door/Gate raiding only


Safezone Rules

1. Do not camp the safezone
2. Do not safezone strafe (go in and out of safezone during gunfight)
3. Stealing in safezone is fairgame, Staff will not compensate you for this
4. Do player trades at your
own risk.
5. Do not Kill Anyone at the safezone (
Instant Ban)


Building Rules

1. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 1km from safezone
1.1. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m Krona Castle POI

1.2. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m Devils Castle POI

1.3. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m Tisy Bunker POI

1.4. You are not allowed to build on the Oil Rig POI
1.5. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m NukeTown POI

1.6. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m Novo Bunker POI

1.7. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m Mega Bunker POI

1.8. You are not allowed to build on or closer then 500m Dam POI
2. You are not allowed to build closer then 1km from Military Zones
3. You can build at The Prison. but you are not allowed to block access to the Military Barracks or its doors on Prison Island
if you are Unsure where you can build on Prison Island make a ticket)
4. One base/territory per group
5. Territory limit is 100m
6. Max building height is 6 Blocks from the ground (acceptations made for Buildings)
7. Max 25 storage items (Such as Tents, Crates, Sea Chest)
8. Max 15 codelocked Gates

If you know for sure someone has broken any of the the Rules - Please create a ticket and talk to a Staff Member.

©2023 by StrikeZone.

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